Look Through My Eyes and See What I See

Just my thoughts, my beliefs, my opinions, and my truths. Please post. I invite conversation. Don't want to post online...that's cool. Email your comments to kiagsmith@gmail.com.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Investor

I’m really proud of myself. Yesterday, I received some devastating news—at least to me it was. Let’s just imagine, you knew you were going to get a million bucks from an investor. He had given you his word, and he had always been faithful to his word, but you wake up and find out from a secondary sources that he had given $500,000 away. Now you could worry, get concerned, wonder if most of his budget had been spent, and consider what would happen if this investment went bad. Or you could choose to trust the word of your investor.

Well, my Investor gave me a promise years ago. And I know that I know that now is the time for me to actually receive that promise, but yesterday, I found out that my Investor had given part of my promise away. For the record, this isn’t the first time this has happen. In fact, it’s more like the 356,567,492,403th time, LOL. Usually, my reaction is the same. I cry, scream, question whether my Investor ever said and promised what I thought He did, and pray for a quick, clear sign. This time though, I CHOSE to react differently. Instead of crying, screaming, and questioning, I picked up the phone, called my Investor, and thanked Him for what He was about to do in my life. I wrote Him and thank you note, I went to thank Him in person, and even turned on a couple of CDs and began to sing thanks to Him, LOL (He appreciated it even though I can’t sang).

I say “I chose” because it was a decision and a choice to react differently than I usually did. I felt like crying, I wanted to scream, I had million questions to ask and doubt was swimming in my mind. But I made the proactive decision to react differently. I chose to rejoice instead of crying. I chose to praise instead of scream. I chose to trust the last Word my Investor had given me instead of questioning and doubting.

And after I made the decision, before I received the promise, guess what I did? I started planning. I started researching, writing, and organizing what I was going to do with the investment. I set aside time and energy to ensure that the investment would be used properly. That way, when I get my promise, I will be prepared to move on full speed ahead, and my Investor won’t be disappointed in me. He will never regret the fact that He invested in me.

What if you don’t get the investment He promised? What if there’s not enough left? My answer: Impossible. My Investor is faithful and true to His Word. He won’t renege on His promise to me, and His riches won’t ever run out. While Master P may have gold-plated ceilings, my Investors has gold-paved (not plated) streets.

What about what He gave the other person? So…that’s not my business. What my Investor has for me is for me. No one can take that from me, and He definitely wouldn’t give it away. So obviously, that little bit that the other person got wasn’t for me, and I’m to much a queen to fight over chump change and pennies. I want the millions or nothing at all.

Well, why did you have thank Him so much? While most people would have been annoyed by my multiple and excessive thanks, He wasn’t. He was just as proud as I was that I didn’t need physical proof to trust Him and believe what He had said. He was ecstatic that I was so grateful for His gift, His investment, even before I received it. Hey, my many thanks just may have made Him want to invest more in my life or give me my investment even sooner than He originally scheduled.

My Investor is going to invest in me because I am His child and He promised me He would. My only responsibility is to take the investment and invest in others.


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