Look Through My Eyes and See What I See

Just my thoughts, my beliefs, my opinions, and my truths. Please post. I invite conversation. Don't want to post online...that's cool. Email your comments to kiagsmith@gmail.com.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where were you 6 years ago?

I was on I-20 going to my 9:25 class (as a sophomore I was smart enough not to have a 8am one, LOL). Ryan Cameron came on the radio with this super serious tone in his voice. I immediately knew something was wrong. Ryan was never that serious. "A plane hit the World Trade Center..." My mouth dropped open just as I was pulling off the Ashby St. exit (you're not ole skool if you don't know where Ashby is). "It's a terrorist attack," I immediately thought.

I went to class that day, but I honestly can't remember any of the details. I remember walking out of Cosby and seeing my lil SpelBound sister crying. Her dad worked in the Pentagon, and she couldn't get in contact with him. I wish I could say I said something super comforting or wise, but I don't remember saying anything. I just remember staring blankly. She was the first person I knew personally who was being affected by this tragedy. All of a sudden, it wasn't a terrorist attack. It was an attack on my friends.

After that I went to Morehouse, I further stared in awe. I watched men who I had consider so strong and resilent break down and cry. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. Like everyone else I spent the remainder of the day in front of the television in awe, hypnotized by the repeat coverage. The journalist in me wanted to see more. I knew there was so much going on that they were showing, that they weren't saying, I wanted to see and hear that.

Surprisingly, I never felt fear. I had this wierd internal peace. I knew my world was changing for the worse that day, but I never feared it. Maybe I was super strong. Maybe I was super numb. Either way, I learned that day that you never truly know how you will react to a situation until you live it.

God Bless America! We need it!

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