Look Through My Eyes and See What I See

Just my thoughts, my beliefs, my opinions, and my truths. Please post. I invite conversation. Don't want to post online...that's cool. Email your comments to kiagsmith@gmail.com.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Turning Point


I'm at a scary point in my life. Not that I'm fearful of what's to come, but I completely recognize the power of the moment I'm in right now. I see how pivotal it is. And this moment isn't based on feeling or emotion. It's based on me remembering what God said to me four years ago and holding on to that Word despite what may be occurring in the natural.

The closest thing I can compare this feeling to is being blindfolded and standing near a cliff. You've been told to go right and you know going right is the correct thing to do, but all of a sudden, you feel an overwhelming desire to go left. The only problem with going left (other than being completely and utterly wrong) is it will put you too close to the edge of the cliff. I've been down that cliff. I know it's deep, dark, and lonely. Plus, it takes a long time to get up the valley on the other side of that cliff, and I'm not trying to make that journey if He's not forcing me to. I'm really loving the mountain top where I am right now.

So, why is going right so difficult? I'm glad you ask. Right is difficult because it's not guaranteed that you will get you reward just by going the right way. In fact, going the right direction may even make your journey temporarily more difficult. You see, I know I'm suppose to go right, but I don't know where going right is going to lead me. That leads me to fear the unknown.

When I first began my journey of truly knowing God in every area of my life, that was our difficult area. I never realized it before, but I was a complete control freak. I wanted to know all the details, and I wanted to have the power to make all the decisions. The first thing God told me is, "You have to trust me with the unknown."

I'd like to say I've learned that lesson by now. I think I sorta have, but being at this pivotal point I realized that I still have some fear of the unknown. I know what it is to be blindsided, and I know what it is to truly hurt and if I never felt either emotion again in life that would be too soon. I also know what it feels to have God there for you unconditionally. I know what it's like to have him supernaturally give you strength when you have none of your own. I know what it feels like to have Him hold you when you're all alone and what it feels like to genuinely smile when you don't have a reason too.

At the end of the day, I've been in this place enough times to know what I need to do:

  1. Pray for strength ahead of time. I don't know what there is to come, but God does. My prayer is that He prepares me and strengthens me for whatever stands before me as I make this right turn. I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, so whatever awaits me on that right side is not going to be able to take me down despite how big, bad and scary it looks.


  2. Remember what God told me. God is not a man that He should lie, or the son of man that He should repent. If He said it, it shall come to pass. I know what He said, and I'm rolling with that.


  3. Be obedient and love like God does. 'Nough said, right?


I know my God has me through this. I just have to trust Him through this.


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