Look Through My Eyes and See What I See

Just my thoughts, my beliefs, my opinions, and my truths. Please post. I invite conversation. Don't want to post online...that's cool. Email your comments to kiagsmith@gmail.com.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Now what happen to these kinda parents. This is what keeps our kids out of trouble and our men out of jail. Big ups, moms!!! I could sooo see myself doing this.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


This was an email sent out by my Spelman sister and classmate. I felt it captured the complete essence of Spelman and wanted to share. Feel free to add the names of the Spelman women who have inspired your life in the comments section.

Today we honor the 125th anniversary of the founding of our beloved Spelman College. We honor the vision of Ms. Packard & Ms. Giles. We honor 125 years undaunted by the fight! We honor those who said we couldn't, and yet we did. They told us brilliance could not come from us, and we were brilliant. They told us beauty could not look like us and we were beautiful. They told us courage was unlike us, and we are courageous. They told us leadership was unbecoming of us, and we led. They told us to be invisible, but we made the whole world stop and take notice. They said there was no way, and we made one.

On this day 125 years ago, our foresisters came to the gates, destitute, often illiterate. They owned nothing but a yearning to learn and a deep-rooted sense of knowing that coming to this place was going to change the course of history for our people. On that day they shattered the threshold that had been so long protected by those who said Black women had no place at the table of knowledge. And on the day of our founding, Sophia B. Packard wrote "April 11, 1881. School opens with eleven scholars." Scholars.

Below you will find 125 spaces for 125 Spelman woman who have changed our lives in some way for the better. You can put as many or as few sisters on this list as you would like, and then copy, paste and forward to your sisters until the circle is complete. And please remember, our foresisters had nothing but a head on their shoulders andshoes on their feet. They had nothing of the resources we have today and they built something that has thrived for 125 years. You got avisa. Give up some money to Spelman today.

and when life's race is won, thy noble work is done, oh God foreverbind, out hearts to thine!

1. Dr. Shirley Toland
2. Dr. Johnetta Cole
3. Elder Bernice King
4. Dr. Beverly Tatum
5. Dr. Cynthia Neale Spence
6. Dr. Zenobia Hikes

125 and Counting

125 years ago on April 11, 1881, Sophia Packard and Harriet E. Giles founded the best school to grace the face of the earth...Spelman College. Since then thousands of girls entered the gates and four years later they've exited as women...dynamic, world changing women. I often look through facebook, and it absolutely amazes me the things that my fellow Spelman sisters are doing. We are moving and shaking in all of our perspective fields. We have some hugh shoes to fill of past alumnae like Marian Wright Edelman, Latanya Richardson Jackson, Elder Bernice King, Pearl Cleage, and Alice Walker. But there's no doubt in my mind that we will fill those shoes and then run in them. Big ups, Spelman College. You've definitely changed the world. May the next 125 be even greater.

Spelman Hymn
Spelman, thy name we praise
Standards and honor raise
We'll ever faithful be
Throughout eternity
May peace with thee abide
And God forever guide
Thy heights supreme and true
Blessings to you.

Through years of toil and pain
May thy dear walls remain
Beacons of heavenly light,
Undaunted by the fight
And when life's race is won,
Thy noble work is done
Oh, God forever bind
Our hearts to thine

Words and music by Eddye Mae Money, C'1934

High School High


Your High School Years are supposed to be "the best years of your life.” How much you remember. I know for some it might be hard for you to go back that far! Copy n edit n repost on ur wall n someone elses wall!

Graduation Year : 2000

1. Who were your best friend/friends? Kassie & Candice
2. What sports did you play? Do you consider band to be a sport?
3. What kind of car did you drive? 1989 Gold Nissan 240 SX, 1997 Black BMW Covertible, 1999 Nissan Pathfinder (Nope, I didn't wreck any of them. Yes, I was kinda spoiled)
4. It's Friday night, where were you? Football game, house party, or the movies, but always Burger King
5. Were you a party animal? I was a social butterfly. It's kinda hard to be a party animal in Gadsden
6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? In the "in crowd"? We were the "in crowd"!!! LOL
7. Ever skip school? Yeah, but my parents always knew. I guess that doesn't really count, huh?
8. Ever smoke? Once
9. Were you a nerd? I was smart, made the grades, but was far from a nerd
10. Did you get suspended/expelled? Nope
11. Can you sing the Alma Mater? I can't even hum the melody
12. Who was your favorite teacher/teachers? Ms. Jackson and Mrs. Reddick were cool, but I didn't have in life changing teachers in high school. At least not in a good way. Mrs. Hawkins, Dr. Lyons, and Mrs. Donald did piss me off that I had to overachieve to prove them wrong, but that's about it.
13. Favorite class? Mrs. Hanyie's Math Analysis. I learned what I wanted to be
14. What was your schools full name? Gadsden High School a.k.a The Palace
15. School mascot? Tiger
16. Did you go to Prom? 3 years
17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Of course, but I would make better grades, better decisions, and have more fun
18. What do you remember most about graduation? Giving the welcome and actually being surprised that I cried
19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year? Stand up for who I was when the whole world was trying to tear me down
20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? Were we never posted on the senior wall would be a better questions
21. Did you have a job your senior year? Nope, I quit it just before my senior year
22. Who did you date? Barry Bothwell
23. Where did you go most often for lunch? Uh, the lunchroom. We didn't have those rights
24. Have you gained weight since then? Maybe 3 lbs.
25. What did you do after graduation? Went to Kesha's house for a party I think. That's when that Master P, "I Can Tell" song was hot. "You ain't gotta say to much from the look in your eye I can tell..."

Oh, the memories...

The Worst Meal I Ever Cooked...

Sophomore year of college, I was rich. It was my first year living off-campus, and I had an overflow of money and credit cards, and I knew how to use them both. After shopping, my roommate, Erika, and I spent a lot of money on food and alcohol. I don’t think we ever had an empty fridge during that year…or an empty house.

Entertaining was our thing, especially when Memorial Day or 4th of July rolled around. We would go to the grocery story and buy every pig we could find and have the biggest barbeques two 20 year olds could have. (Yes, Jackie knew what he was doing on the grill. I can’t even take that away from him, girl.)

As much fun as that was, breakfast was my thing. The fridge was always stocked eggs and breakfast’s steaks. I was known for my scrambled cheese eggs. They were the best in…well, our apartment building. My neighbors would come in from the club at 5 am, knock on our door, and with sad puppy dog faces say, “Kia, will you cook us some eggs?” Within 5 minutes on a Wednesday night, we would have a house full of negroes, a bomb breakfast, and an impromptu gathering.

It was lots of fun, but let’s just say I got a little cocky with my egg scrambling. I started spicing in up with more than just the norm of my secret recipe. I started throwing in minced garlic, onion salt, steak seasoning, and Worcestershire sauce. My eggs were tasting like steak, and I was bragging up a storm. Each time I got a little more creative and I little bolder. Each time my eggs got better and better.

Then one day, since my eggs tasted like steak, I decided to pour some A-1 sauce in before I scrambled them. Hey, they tasted good with A-1 sauce on them after they were cooked; why not add it from the beginning? That was the absolute worse decision in the world. I can’t even put into words how bad those eggs tasted…or how bad my girls laughed at me after that experience. Never ever again…

Lesson Learned: The prideful fall hard…and they keep on falling, and falling, and falling.

Solutions: Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. (James 4:10).

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time (1 Peter 5:6).

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

He's the KING!!!

T.I.'s album came in at #1 on the Billboard 200 charts. He moved 522,000 albums and had the best album sales of any artist for the year. KING's sales are the best since the Christmas season when Jamie Foxx and Mary J. Blige's albums hit shelves. T.I. actually booted Prince from the #1 spot to the #3 spot.

His movie, ATL, came in #3 bringing in $11,554,404. Ice Age was #1 with $68,033,544 in sales, and Denezel Washington's Inside Man was #2 bringing in $15,437,760. Now that's success, especially considering that his competition was a kid's movie and Denezel.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Love vs. Lust

Love asks, "What can I do for you?" Lust asks, "What can you do for me?" So are you really in love or simply consumed by lust?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Leaving Our Mark

I learned late last week that the United States Postal Service unveiled a new Spelman stamp that celebrates the college's 125th anniversary. Spelman College is the first college or university to have its on stamp. The stamp will be the college's new logo with 125 years below it, and it will be made public in the near future.

Dr. Beverly Tatum, the college's president, is really doing her thing-thing at Spelman. I was so happy to see her come on board during my tenure at the college, and I'm even happier to see all that she is accomplishing now. I didn't have the pleasure of attending Spelman during Sister-prez Dr. Johnetta B. Cole's days, but from what I know about Spelman's history and its presidents, Dr. Tatum is the only prez to even step into the same league as Sister-prez Cole. Much respect Dr. Tatum.

I'm so proud of my alma mater and so honored to be an alumna. There is absolutely no better place for a black woman to be educated than Spelman College.